Welcome Aperitif, Welcome Reception, Social event

Welcome aperitif – Monday, September 5, 2022 (19:30-21:00)

Aperitif at Snodo/ORG. At the end of the workshops and the Doctoral consortium day, all participants are invited to an aperitif at Snodo/ORG, located a 3-minute walk from the conference venue. (Snodo/ORG: Corso Castelfidardo 22, Torino)

Welcome reception – Tuesday, September 6, 2022 (16:40-21:00)

The conference welcome reception will take place at Reggia di Venaria – a former royal residence and gardens – UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Guided tour. Conference attendees will visit the Reggia di Venaria on a guided tour.

Quick tour on Reggia di Venaria: introduction, virtual tour Reggia di Venaria, virtual tour garden Parco Basso, virtual tour garden Parco Alto
Aperitif at “Caffè degli Argenti”. This elegant cafè is located inside the Reggia, in the ancient Chinese rooms. Caffè degli Argenti offers an outstanding view of the Grand Parterre and the Alps from its panoramic balcony.

Social event, Aperitif, Conference dinner – Wednesday, September 7, 2022 (15:30-23:00)

Social Event. Conference attendees will participate in a guided tour of the Egyptian museum (Museo Egizio), Via Accademia delle Scienze 6, Torino

This museum, located in Torino city center, was founded in 1824 and it houses one of the largest collections of Egyptian antiquities. Egyptian museum in Torino is world’s the oldest museum devoted entirely to ancient Egyptian culture. 

Quick tour on Egyptian museum in Torino: history, collection, virtual tour
Aperitif: Extra Vermuth. Participants can taste Vermuth, an aromatised wine created in 1786 in Turin. The Aperitif will take plave at “Barney’s – il Bar del Circolo dei lettori”, in one of old palaces in the city,

Circolo dei lettori is located in Palazzo Graneri della Roccia (via Bogino 9, Torino)
Conference dinner. Arcadia Restaurant located in Galleria Subalpina, Torino city center. The offered dinner will be based on Piedmont’s traditional cuisine

Arcadia is located in Galleria Subalpina, 16, Torino

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